Hiking In Georgia

Second Attempt of Indian Seats

Last Updated on June 4, 2022 by admin

Indian Seats at Sawnee Mountain

For the second time, we attempted to make the summit in time for the sunset view. After the first attempt, we had learned that they do not allow pets on the trails at Indian Seats. So we definitely, left the dog at home this time.

Once we got on the trail we were in such a hurry to make it to the top that we decided to get off the main trail. I will be the first one to tell you that is not a good idea. They’re are a lot of little paths off of the main trail but unfortunately that makes it easier to get turned around and lost. Which is exactly what happened to us.

After taking a short cut, we ended up going the wrong way. Which ended up causing us not to make it to the top of Indian Seats for the sunset.

It will not stop us from trying again someday very soon!

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