Hiking In Georgia

Just outside of Georgia in Little River Canyon

Last Updated on June 7, 2022 by admin

little river canyon

Over Memorial day weekend sounds like a great time to go to the lake. So we did. Upon arrival we were welcomed to a nice crawfish boil. After getting our bellies full we spent the rest of the evening sharing stories and laughs with loved ones.

Waking up on Monday morning we were faced with the dilemma of rather we lounged around the lake or if we would pack up our tent and go hiking for the day at Little River Canyon.

Luckily, with the looming work week to begin the next day on Tuesday, we opted to go ahead and pack up our tent and set out on our next journey to Little River Canyon.

From our campsite at the lake, we only had to drive about 25 or 30 minutes before we ended up at our destination.

Because of it being a holiday the park was very busy. After circling the parking lot a couple of times we finally were able to find a parking spot in the main parking lot.

If the main lot is full, there is an overflow parking lot just down the road where you can park and then hike to the trailhead. I would estimate that it is roughly a half mile down the road to the overflow parking lot.

Considering all of the gear that I had in my backpack, I decided that I didn’t want to hike down the road from the overflow parking lot.

After parking and gathering our gear we started out on our next adventure.

It didn’t take us long on the trail before we found ourselves staring at Little River Falls. It was beautiful and a rather large waterfall.

After getting some pictures and soaking in this amazing falls we started on down the path to see what else we could find.

On this particular day at Little River Canyon, I saw more park rangers than I have ever saw at another park. They were literally posted at the trailhead, out walking the trails and even posted up at the swimming hole.

Oh, you didn’t know about the swimming hole at Little River Canyon? No worries, we will get to that shortly.

From Little River Falls we were presented with an option. We could either stay on the designated trail or we could cut down to the river and make our own trail while bouldering through the rocks.

Of course, we decided to do some bouldering down by the river because why would we want to take the easy path.

There are a lot of rocks along the river and they are very large and challenging to get past. If you are not in pretty good shape, I would definitely recommend that you stay on the main path.

After about 45 mins to an hour of bouldering we started hearing people in the distance. As we got closer and closer, we began to realize that we had found the “Hippie Hole” at Little River Canyon.

There are a lot of different points that you can jump off of from all kinds of different heights anywhere from 4 to 40 feet. We ended up swimming for about an hour before we decided that we should head back.

On our way back, we choose to stay on the main path and it turned out to be a lot easier and quicker.

All and all this turned out to be a great hike. It was a bit of a hidden gem that I will definitely be making it back to visit sometime soon.

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